Landscaping and Property Maintenance
Patti Oldham
Board Liaison:
Parker Cortner
Volunteers needed:
Current Members:
Teri Brandenburger
Becky Cataldi
Amelia Coelho
Pat Einsetler
Lou Fiola - CAC Liaison
Diane Green
Judy Griggs
Greg Lucas
Dennis McCloskey
Leslie Mitchell - Garden Club Lead
Kathy Morsehead
Gail Nelson
Lu Rokosz
Cheryl Veres
Lin Willett
Background and Description: to develop and implement a plan to maintain and beautify the common areas of this community, within a planned budget. The committee works on a multi year strategic plan, striving to use the proper plantings that will thrive in our ever-changing environment. Open to all residents in the community. Contact the Chair if interested in joining this committee.
The committee meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Specific duties include:
Maintain common area green space, Contract Block Structure (CBS), such as monuments, signs and the irrigation systems consistent with HOA standards.
Oversee the Cape Royal Garden Club who assists the Cape Royal Landscape and Property Maintenance Committee with planting, helps to maintain plantings, and adds seasonal decorations in common areas to help beautify the Cape Royal Community.
Committee Members are assigned oversight tasks associated with their geographical location within the community.
Managing the landscaping maintenance company, make sure all aspects of the landscape contract are being met.
Serve as a resource to the HOA Board of Directors (BOD) to help them come to better decisions concerning beautification and maintenance projects that better serve the whole community.
Source of information and guardianship concerning landscaping, irrigation and maintenance to our whole community.
Understand the issues relative to its scope responsibilities by communicating with the BOD and HOA membership.
Develop and manage the approved annual Budget.
Develop tactical plans specific to the budget, committee plans and objectives.
Execute plans utilizing project management skills.
Manage BOD approved 3rd party contracts.
Periodically assess future requirements of the Committee’s long range planning and communicating to the Board.