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Subcommittee of Surface Water Management

Marty Davidson
Board Liaison:
Hal Younglove
Volunteers needed:
Current Members:

Don Melchiorre

The Drainage Subcommittee of Surface Water Management was formed in 2007 as part of the Roads, Drainage and Lighting Committee, when the HOA assume ownership of the community. They are responsible for drainage in common easement areas, ex. storm drainage areas and swales that empty into the lakes and drainage facilities, including slough control areas in designated easement areas and road right-of-ways are private property.


Specific areas include:

  • Every road in the community is bound on both sides by either a drainage swale, a culvert, or a valley gutter.

  • The northern and eastern perimeters of the community have a drainage swale the entire length of that area.

  • The western perimeter has a swale system from the northern terminus to the West Gate  (the remainder of the western perimeter is adjacent to the Preserve).

  • The southern perimeter has a swale system on the eastern half (golf course is on the western half)


The committee responsibilities are to ensure the drainage environment is functional, which includes recent completion of a recent 5 year project to correct the drainage swales in front of many of the properties in the community which specifically includes:

  • Remediation and compliance of drainage swales and ditches in the community

  • Drainage grates on all swale catch basins

  • Swales on the perimeter of the golf course property and adjacent to the residential lots and overseeing the installation of “full culverts” at lot owner cost as approved by the community ARB Board

  • Oversees and documents their ongoing maintenance plan inspections for swales and ditch activities and recommends actions to the HOA BOD as needed

Additional responsibilities include the following:

  • Understand the issues relative to its scope responsibilities by communicating with the BOD and HOA membership.

  • Develop and manage the approved annual Budget.

  • Develop tactical plans specific to the budget, committee plans and objectives.

  • Execute plans utilizing project management skills.

  • Manage BOD approved 3rd party contracts.

  • Periodically assess future requirements of the Committee’s long range planning and communicating to the Board.

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